Each year the Bedford Women’s Club donates to local organizations that directly impact the Bedford, New Hampshire community. Requests will be reviewed by the Charitable Donations Committee; reviewed by the BWC Board at its March meeting; and presented and voted upon by the BWC membership at the April business meeting. Disbursements are made in May. To find out more, click here
The Bedford Women's Club has awarded scholarships for over fifty years. It is with pleasure that we again offer scholarships to Bedford men and women graduating high school seniors attending any post-secondary school or training program and non-traditional age Bedford women, 24 years of age or older, presently enrolled in any post-secondary school or training program. Awards are based on a revealing personal statement, school and community activities, service and leadership, and a letter of recommendation. To find out more click here
Community Service - Monthly Donations
This committee coordinates our monthly donations of goods to local charities and service organizations. Participation by members is voluntary and at the member's discretion. Members are asked to bring suggested items to each monthly meeting and to leave all donations near the entrance inside our monthly meeting room.