Interest Groups

                                                                                                               INTEREST GROUP DETAILS

Book Group-BoIrene Labombarde This group provides the opportunity to expand your exposure to different authors and themes and to engage in lively
discussions. Meetings are on the second Tuesday of each month 1:00 PM to 3:00 PM in the McAllaster Room at the Bedford
Public Library. Members meet in June to recommend titles and volunteer to moderate the discussions. Meg Cronin,
Prof. of English and Dir. of College Writing at St. Anselm College, usually leads one of our spring discussions. The librarians
arrange to borrow multiple copies of each month’s title so they are available at the Reference Desk at no cost. If you want
to read a book but don’t plan on actually attending the discussion, please refrain from taking out a library copy during the
assigned month so as not to prevent another participant from getting a copy.   Click this link for the 2024-2025 Book List.

Bridge Group-Br:  Bridge Club members may sign up to substitute in the current bridge groups or begin a new group.Groups are as follows:
Monday Afternoon: Bobbi Beaudet  

Tuesday Morning: Beverly Jo Snyder

Wednesday Morning: Pat Baldwin 

Wednesday Evening: Beverly Jo Snyder 

1st Thursday Night: Beverly Jo Snyder 

Bridge Substitutes-BrS:  Beverly Jo Snyder

Bunco-Bu:  Sandy DeMello

Play, eat and chat on the 3rd Monday of each month at 1:00PM at members’ homes. Everyone chips in $5 for cash prizes.

Canasta-Ca: Toni Rohe

Canasta is a card game in the “rummy” family played with two decks of cards and as a partnership if four are playing, or
singly if three are playing.  The game has enough rules to make it interesting, but is casual enough to talk and laugh a lot.
If you’re new to the game, we’ll pair you with another and you’ll learn as you go.  We meet on the 3rd Tuesday of the month
from 12:45PM to 3:45PM in the Richmond Room at the Bedford Library.

Cooking with Friends-C0Heather Stewart

Small groups meet at members’ homes to cook and sample food or they go out to restaurants. New groups are formed to accommodate new members.

Couples' Sunday Brunch

Join other couples for a Sunday Brunch at area restaurants.

Couples Dinner Group CD: Julie Schappals and  Julie Donovan 

Members get together as couples in members' homes for dinner and socializing with a fun and interesting twist to the
ordinary dinner party.

Cultural & Fun Events-Cu: Chris Hutchinson and Linda Abels

Announcements for events will be emailed to group members. Registration is required for each event and dependent on
car pool availability and weather.

Genealogy-Ge Carolyn Payzant

 A group which meets on unspecified Monday afternoons. The group gives assistance and encouragement in your family

Golf Club-G:  

The Group meets at golf courses near Bedford. All levels are welcome. Days of the week and times are flexible
based on G
olfers preferences.

Hiking-H: Linda Gould

We take hikes between two and eight miles long with altitudes varying from a few hundred feet to over one thousand feet.
All these hikes will be within an hour or so driving time from Bedford.  Hopefully there will always be a coffee shop nearby
at the end of the hike!

Knitting & Crocheting-KC: Gen Miller

Knitting & Crocheting meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 1:00PM to 3:00PM in the Richmond Room at the
Bedford Library. We are a casual group of crafters of all abilities who share ideas, techniques, and friendship. 

Lunching Out-L:   Kris Doucette

All are invited to join us on the third week of the month on alternating Tuesdays & Wednesdays. Lunch Out to discover
local new spots & revisit old favorites. Most are within 30 minutes of Bedford but occasionally are further. We meet at
12 noon for a "Dutch Treat" meal. Carpooling is available by meeting at from St Elizabeth Seton parking lot, usually at
11:30 and departing at 11:45. An email will be sent with dates & destinations at the beginning of each month. You can always
bring a friend.

Mah-Jongg-L:  Julie Donovan

The group plays weekly on Thursday unless there is a conflict with a BWC meeting or event. The games are currently being
played in the Café at Hannaford, Kilton Rd. from 1:00PM to 4:00PM. We play the National Mah Jongg League version of the

Poker-Po: Patty Martin 

Get together and play poker with your friends. Group meets once a month on the last Monday of the month at 1:00PM. 
If you don’t know how to play, that’s okay.

Rummikub-Ru: Gail LaPrade

We meet the first Tuesday of each month at 1:00PM at the Bedford Library in the Richmond Room. Rummikub is a tile-based
game that is very similar to Rummy in many ways. It’s easy to learn, so don’t worry if you don’t know how to play.

Scrabble-Sc: Melinda Penrose

The Richmond Room at the Bedford Library has been booked from 1:00PM to 3:00PM on the 2nd Monday and the 4th Friday
of each month for Scrabble. Anyone who loves words is welcome to join us for one game or the whole afternoon! All skill levels
are welcome. We freely use the Scrabble dictionary and cheat sheets

Snowshoeing-Sn: Betsy Stull

Snowshoeing is a great form of physical exercise and a wonderful way to enjoy the outside during the winter season. We
snowshoe in and around Bedford and beyond. All ability levels are encouraged to join but you will need your own equipment.
Please provide your email address so you can be contacted when dates are scheduled. Hopefully there will be some morning, afternoon, and all-day snowshoeing. Let it snow!

Sunday Brunch Group-SB

 We are hoping that someone volunteers to chair this interest group. In the meantime, we have a list

of ladies interested in playing tennis. Each person in the group has that list and can coordinate a game to their schedule.

Walking Group-Wk: Betsy Stull

Walking (and talking) with friends on varying routes. The locations and routes will be determined by the members of the
Group. You choose the days you can participate, arrive at the designated place, start walking!









For further information about any interest group(s) please see details in the BWC Yearbook.