Charitable Donations

Established in 1905, the Bedford Women’s Club provides an opportunity for Bedford women to meet socially and pursue many activities. The club holds several fundraisers a year and uses the proceeds each spring for scholarships and donations to local charities. 

To submit a request, print the Charitable Donation Form here, fill it out and mail your request to the address on the form.  Requests must be postmarked no later then February 28th.  Requests are then reviewed by the Charitable Donations Committee and recommendations are made to the BWC Executive Board at its March Board Meeting. Recommended charities and amounts are presented and voted upon by the BWC membership at the April BWC business meeting.  Disbursements are made in May.    

Last year the vast majority of the requests for funding were for organizations that address food insecurity, so the committee decided to focus mainly on that issue. The following organizations received a combined total of approximately $6,000 financial support from the BWC:













Animal Rescue League 


Town of Bedford: Conservation

 $   800

Bedford Food Pantry


Bedford Historical Society

 $   500

Bedford Library


Caring Cupboard 


Families in Transition 


Friends of Aigne 

 $   800

Meals on Wheels 


Upreach Therapeutic Eques. 

 $   800

Granite YMCA 


Total Charitable Donations  $ 12,325


2024 Charitable Donations