❖ Thursday, September 26, 2025
Fellowship Hall of the Bedford Presbyterian Church
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Luncheon Chair: Cheryl Joseph
Luncheon Committee: Norma Aivalikles, Jackie Bettencourt, Nicki Durand, Deborah Evans, Ambika Giri, Bennie Hanauer, Suzanne Hartshorn, Christine Hutchinson, Cynthia Ickes, Vicki Kuhn, Sandra Meinz, Janice Przybylski, Heather Stewart, Beverly Stringer, Connie Surrette
CHARITY: Fueled by Kids
Coordinator: Kathleen Reidy
Bedford based organization committed to ending childhood food insecurity in the Manchester School District, serving approximately 900 Students at 21 schools.
Items Requested: Nature Valley Granola Bars, Boxes of oatmeal packets, 16 oz jars of peanut butter, Monetary donations (checks made payable to “Fueled by Kids”)
❖ Thursday, October 24, 2024
Fellowship Hall of the Bedford Presbyterian Church
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Luncheon Chair: Bobbi Beaudet
Luncheon Committee: Michele Banks, Sara Cowall, Julie Donovan, Anne Ekdahl, Kathy Harris, Theresa Karpowicz, Sandra Mackey, Candy McDowell, Ann Mulvee, Melinda Penrose, Kathy Powell, Kathy Provencher, Joyce Sweeney, Lynne Tarr, Darby Thomas
CHARITY: Women’s Prison|
Coordinator: Gen Miller
About six years ago, the warden of the NH Women’s prison spoke to the BWC about the situations that lead to women being incarcerated. Most are non-violent offenders who found themselves in difficult circumstances.
Items Requested: The recreational therapist has asked for plastic crochet hooks, Sarah Bates sizes 4-5; plastic darning needles, sock looms, and sock yarn in any shade of pink.
New England Lighthouses and the People Who Kept Them, Jeremy D’Entremont
Jeremy D’Entremont tells the history of New England’s historic and picturesque lighthouses primarily focusing on the colorful and dramatic stories of the lighthouse keepers and their families. Jeremy’s presentation will combine historic and new photos, film and audio clips.
Mr. D’Entremont has been called the leading expert on New England’s historic Lighthouses. He is the author or co-author of more than 20 books including: The Lighthouses of Maine; The Lighthouses of Massachusetts, The Lighthouses of Rhode Island, The Lighthouses of Connecticut, Great Shipwrecks of the Maine, The Lighthouse Handbook: New England, All About Nubble Light, and Ocean Born Mary: The Truth Behind a New Hampshire Legend.
He may have several of these books available for sale in the hall following the presentation.
❖ Thursday, November 21, 2024
Fellowship Hall of the Bedford Presbyterian Church
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Luncheon Chair: Linda Martin
Luncheon Committee: Colleen Agustsson, Becky Baergen, Trudy Boisvert, Kathy Chadwick, Sandy DeMello, Bobbie Gibbons, Linda Gould, Sara Hoang, Linda McCutcheon, Brit Munsterteiger, Beatrice Pirie, Kitty Slattery, Sheila Smith, Elaine Sobel
CHARITY: Miss New Hampshire
Coordinator: Linda Abels
Items Requested: Small personal items or makeup items to be given to the contestants of the Miss Inspiration Pageant.
PROGRAM: Miss New Hampshire, Emily Spencer
Welcome to the 78th Miss New Hampshire – Emily Spencer! The 23 year old Bedford resident has lived here since the 1st grade, attending the Peter Woodbury School and Bedford High School.
Emily has been participating in the Miss New Hampshire program since 2016. She was crowned Miss Bedford in 2019. In addition to performing a dance number, Emily will talk about the process and responsibilities of being Miss New Hampshire and her outstanding work as a founder of “Miss Inspiration” a non-profit program.
❖ Friday, December 6, 2024
Bedford Presbyterian Church
Set Up: 12:00PM - 4:00PM
Open to the public: 4:00PM - 7:00PM
❖ Saturday, December 7, 2024
Bedford Presbyterian Church
Open to the public: 1:00PM - 5:00PM
Clean up & tree distribution: 5:00PM - 7:00PM
Co-Chairs: MJ Howe, Becki Kuhns
Committee: Linda Abels, Norma Aivalikles, Stevie Brimblecom, Nicki Durand, Allison Gerstung, Bobbie Gibbons, Melanie Guest, Ellie Hanlon, Eileen Kane, Debra Langer, Linda Martin, Patty Martin, Sue Martin, Gen Miller, Joan Miller, Toni Rohe, Sheila Smith, Beverly Jo Snyder, Betsy Stull, and Sarah Whitney
Experience the magic of Bedford’s newest and most anticipated annual tradition! The BWC Festival of Trees and Holiday Market is free to the public and has quickly become a must-do for locals and visitors alike. We offer dozens of beautifully decorated trees, available for raffle, each with its own unique and captivating theme. See pages 16-17 for more details.
❖ Thursday, December 12, 2024
Manchester Country Club
180 S River Rd, Bedford, NH 03110
Chairs: Bobbie Gibbons, Betsy Stull
Committee: Colleen Agustsson, Norma Aivalikles, Ambika Giri, Melanie Guest, Suzanne Hartshorn, Theresa Karpowicz, Becki Kuhns, Sandra Mackey, Susan Martin, Muriel McMillan, Ann Mulvee, Noel Rainville, Felicia Saucier, June Scott, Joan Shaughnessey, Heather Stewart, Betsy Stull, Lynne Tarr
Celebrate the holidays by coming together at the Manchester Country Club to kick off the season of giving. Tickets will be on sale at the October and November meetings. Guests are welcome!
Chair: Bobbie Gibbons, Betsy Stull
The Silent Auction takes place during the Holly Luncheon and is a fundraiser for our scholarships and charitable donations. Items for this auction are obtained through donations from our local businesses. As a BWC member you are asked to approach local businesses and services providers for donations of goods, time and/or gift cards. A letter to introduce yourself and the purpose of the auction is available for you to give to each establishment and explains our 501(c)(4) tax status. A “where will you go” list will be available at the monthly meetings prior to the auction. Items should be given to Betsy Stull or Bobbie Gibbons as they are obtained.
❖ Thursday, January 23, 2025
Fellowship Hall, Bedford Presbyterian Church
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Luncheon Chair: Denise Rotier
Luncheon Committee: Jane Cary, Betty Fitzgerald, Allison Gerstung, Linda Krewson, Debra Langer, Gail LaPrade, Kathleen Reidy, Monique Rooney, Felicia Saucier, Carol Sternberg, Ann Thompson, Patti Tornatore, Munise Ulker
CHARITY: Girls Inc.
Coordinator: Denise Rotier
The mission of Girls Inc of New Hampshire is to inspire all girls to be strong (through healthy living), smart (through education), and bold (through independence).
Items Requested:
New Hampshire’s One Room Rural Schools: The Romance and the Reality, Steven Taylor
Steven Taylor explores the lasting legacies of the one-room school and how they echo today. Hundreds of one-room schools dotted the landscape of New Hampshire a century ago and were the backbone of primary education for generations of children. Revered in literature and lore, they were actually beset with problems, some of which endure today. The greatest issue was financing the local school and the vast differences between taxing districts in the ability to support education. Other concerns included teacher preparation and quality, curriculum, discipline, student achievement, and community involvement in the educational process.
❖ Thursday, February 20, 2025
Fellowship Hall, Bedford Presbyterian Church
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Luncheon Chair: Beverly Jo Snyder
Luncheon Committee: Ellen Barber, Kris Doucette, Lynn Evans, Jean Fullerton, Pamela Gorman, Melanie Guest, Charlotte Kersbergen, Irene Labombarde, Mitsou MacNeil, Patty Martin, Gabi Maters, Susan Moreau, Julie Schappals
CHARITY: Bless this Home
Coordinator: Gabi Maters
Bless this Home’s mission is to support underprivileged women and their families emerging from restorative programs. This Bedford based charity harnesses the generosity and talents of the local community to provide both the necessities and the niceties of living.
Items Requested: They are always in need of microwaves, coffee makers, air-conditioning units, knife sets, utensil sets, and new bathroom sets. Walmart gift cards and cash donations are happily accepted too.
Interior Design Tips and Trends, Meghan Collins
Curious about what new trends are happening in Interior Design? Looking for some tips to do some easy updates and organize your home, or planning a renovation? Then this presentation is for you! Meghan Collins will discuss what's hot in home design, how to make some simple but impactful updates, and share ideas on managing a larger home remodeling project. She will also address practical ways to update your home if you plan to stay in it long term, tips on decluttering tastefully (for your own sanity or if you are preparing to stage your home for sale!), and how to incorporate current trends without going overboard.
❖ Tuesday, March 4, 2025, 12:00 PM to Tuesday, March 11, 2025, 12:00 PM
❖ Thursday March 13, 2025
LaBelle Winery, 345 State Rte 101, Amherst, NH
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM
Chair: Bobbie Gibbons, Betsy Stull
Committee: Norma Aivalikles, Bobbi Beaudet, Dee Caron, Lynn Evans, Cheryl Joseph, Becki Kuhns, Sandra Mackey, Carolyn Mahoney, Beverly Jo Snyder
The BWC has so many talented women! Is cooking or baking your talent? Or maybe painting? Whatever your talent may be, this fundraiser gives you the opportunity to use your TALENT to create an item or use your TIME to provide a service for a donation to be auctioned off! Once again the Time & Talent Auction will be a combination of ONLINE and LIVE Auction.
The Online portion will be held from Tuesday, March 4th at NOON through Tuesday, March 11th at NOON. The winning bidders will be able to pick up their items on Thursday, March 14th at the Time & Talent Luncheon or make other arrangements with the donor.
Auction donations are accepted NOW! Don’t forget to invite your friends and family!
❖ Thursday, March 27, 2025
Fellowship Hall, Bedford Presbyterian Church
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
Luncheon Chair: Sarah Whitney
Luncheon Committee: Beth Battison, Dina Berger, Dee Caron, Gail Dube, Judy Eastwood, Margaret Kearns, Monica Lajoie, Carolyn Mahoney, Susan Martin, Marcia Nemetz, Susan Paris, Ruthie Smith, Betsy Stull, Dina Weber
CHARITY: Bedford Food Pantry
Coordinator: MJ Howe
Bedford Food Pantry serves residents of Bedford and students in the Bedford School District who are food insecure.
Items needed: Peanut butter, jelly, canned tuna, canned meat, and canned fruit. Paper products, especially paper towels and toilet tissue. Feminine products, overall hygiene products (toothpaste, toothbrushes, hair and bath products, bar or liquid soaps, deodorants. Baking mixes and staples (flour, sugar, baking soda, vanilla, etc.), jars of basic spices and herbs.
Songs of Old New Hampshire, Jeff Warner
Drawing heavily on the repertoire of traditional singer Lena Bourne Fish (1873-1945) of Jaffrey and Temple, New Hampshire, Jeff Warner offers the songs and stories that, in the words of Carl Sandburg, tells us “Where we came from and who brought us along. “ These ballads, love songs and comic pieces, reveal the experiences and emotions of daily life in the days before movies, sound recordings and, for some, books. Songs from the lumber camps, the decks of sailing ships, and the textile mills and war between the sexes offer views of pre-industrial New England and a chance to hear living artifacts from the 18th and 19th Centuries.
❖ Thursday, April 17, 2025
Fellowship Hall, Bedford Presbyterian Church
11:30 AM - 2:30 PM
This is a members-only business meeting.
Luncheon Chair: Mary Jo Howe
Luncheon Committee: Mary Barry, Stevie Brimblecom, Beth Coburn, Carol Conti, Meg Cook, Jenny Dana, Marlene Grosky, Linda Iannitelli, Becki Kuhns, Kara LaMarche, Gerri MacMonagle, Linda Moreau, Lori Radke, Toni Rohe, Pamela Thomas
CHARITY: Families in Transition (FITNH)
Coordinator: Darby Thomas
FITNH creates collaborative relationships with their clients to provide vital services to empower individuals and families. They believe that every person should have the support that they need to meet their goals and be treated with dignity and respect on their journey. Your giving will support their homeless shelters.
Items Needed: Diapers and diaper wipes, coffee, cleaning products such as laundry detergent, dish soap, cleaning wipes, etc.
❖ Thursday, May 15 , 2025
LaBelle Winery, 345 State Rte 101, Amherst, NH
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM: Social Hour
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM: Luncheon and Installation of Officers
Chairs: Beth Battison, Becki Kuhns
Committee: Mary Barry, Bennie Hanauer, MJ Howe, Chris Hutchinson, Carolyn Mahoney, Patty Martin, Gabi Maters, Gen Miller, Linda Moreau, Kathleen Reidy, Heather Stewart, Darby Thomas
Please join us at the May Luncheon for end of the year food, fun, and fellowship. The May Luncheon is the last BWC event of the season. Let’s come together to celebrate the wonderful year of 2024-2025 and welcome the new officers for 2025-2026. More details on the program of the day will be announced closer to the event.
Chair: Bobbie Gibbons, Betsy Stull
Celebrate the success of the year, watch the installation of our new leadership team, and be surrounded by beautiful May Baskets. Once again, the members and interest groups display their talent and generosity in our Basket Raffle. The money raised is held over for the 2025-2026 scholarships and charitable donations.